Jan 11, 2023
NEW ENTHEOS SINGLE "IN PURGATORY" - https://youtu.be/aYqapO-sudA
"ABSOLUTE ZERO" MERCH DROP - https://entheosofficial.bigcartel.com/
Podcast merch - https://kopercrabb.bigcartel.com
To leave us questions and comments for the podcast OR call in LIVE, join our Discord! - https://discord.gg/DmZH62KTau
We stream our podcast live on Twitch channel, Tuesdays @ 8:30 CST every week, sub now! : https://www.twitch.tv/kopercrabb
On this weeks episode Navene conducts an impromptu interview with Chaney. We cover how she got into vocals and all the bands she's be in until now. We also take your questions and have a darn good time!